Coaching Services
- One-on-One ~ A coach is the catalyst that helps you to unstoppable personal achievement.
- Group or Team ~ Group or Team coaching creates an environment of additional support when you are up against it!
The Winning Mindset Formula
- Do It Yourself Program ~ It’s About Time For You To Develop A Winning Mindset! You must take conscious control of your brain if you want to be successful.
- Mindset Blueprints ~ You will learn how to develop a growth mindset by embracing challenges, persisting through obstacles, and learning from mistakes.
- Goal Setting Meditation ~ 4 Simple Steps to Achieving Your Goals
- Chakra Balance Meditation ~ Achieve total balance and relaxation in 30 minutes
- Destress Your Life Meditation ~ In 3 Minutes
- Heal Emotionally Now ~ Heal Those Traumatic Relationships Now
- Past Life Regression ~ Learn Why You Do What You Do
- Kundalini Energy Meditation ~ Learn how to raise the kundalini to assist in healing others and yourself
- Inner Guide Meditation ~ Find the answers to the questions you have with the assistance of me joining you on your journey
You have your choice of Coaching via phone, skype or zoom. Package discounts are also available.
Sound Sessions
- Open Heart Healing Series ~ The purpose of the open heart sessions is to assist the person to open their heart. It provides a safe haven for the healing to begin. The sessions start with a chakra balance, the Merkaba is activated and the higher spiritual centers are opened. Once that is completed, the session begins. Tuning forks and Tibetan Bells are used. The sound penetrates to the deepest layers of the cells. It can reach into your past lives.
Here Is What Others Have To Say Of Their Harmonic Healing Session:
I Have Found That Kathleen Seems To Open Whatever Psychic Door That Needs Opening At The Time Of Our Session. At First It Was To Connect Me With My Wife. Who Had Recently Passed Away. After That The Continued Work We Shared Opened Even More Doors And Helped Me To Retain The Magical Connection With My Wife. Connecting the Form and formless. what a wonderful gift!

Every time Kathleen and i have had a Session I feel opened and aware of the energy that flows Through me and i can then continue to be conscious of the growth that i am attaining. I Was brought to Tears by the unexpected ArrivaL Of my sister, laurie, that had passed away a long time ago. i could feel the difference of kathleen’s touch and energy and i knew it was laurie! i could feel the love that we have always had and words fail to express the beauty of talking to her, of honoring each other, of being with her again. joyful. joyful. heaven on earth feelings! i can still go back to the Feeling of that session and still feel her touch, her energy, her love. what a beautiful gift!