Get Into Alignment

A Guided Experience Through the 

Foundational Four Framework

Getting into Alignment can change your life and business, like it did mine.

When I finally got into Alignment, it was like something “clicked.” I finally felt free for the first time in my life.

Those unanswered questions around what I should be offering in my business, how to market myself, where I should put my efforts, what goals to set… 

The answers came naturally.

Best of all? I knew I was making the right decisions for my life.

Kathleen Flanagan

Let Me Ask You Something

How often do you feel…

  • Incredibly busy?
  • Overwhelmed or anxious?
  • Emotionally drained?
  • Avoidant or guilty about the incompleteness of your projects?
  • As if you’re coping, just living life on autopilot some days?
  • Like you could be doing something “more” but you’re not sure what it is or how?
  • Concerned about the rapidly-changing future and where you (and/or your business) will fit in?


If this sounds familiar, it means there’s a whisper (or alarm bell ringing) somewhere inside of you, trying to get your attention.

These are the signs you might be 


I know this because I once felt all of these things. I was out of Alignment after a series of life-altering moments in 2008-11 (…perhaps the same has happened to you?).

But once I admitted something was off, I took responsibility and did “The Work”… everything changed.

Whether you’ve read Amber Vilhauer’s book and want to dive deeper, had a friend recommend this program, or were guided here by your intuition—you’re in the right place.

Getting into Alignment can offer you clarity, focus, accountability, excitement, inspiration, and energy. It can offer you safety and protection in an unclear environment. 

It can offer you answers to those lingering questions in the back of your mind. 

It can offer you a clear direction for EVERYTHING in your business and life—one that naturally leads to your best work pouring out of you.

And it all starts with the Foundational Four Framework (also known as doing “The Work”). This is a process Amber detailed in her book, Infinite Impact, that came out of working with thousands of entrepreneurs over the last 17 years. 

This program will be a deeply meaningful experience, and part of our mission to help entrepreneurs create greater Impact. (I’m so excited for you to be a part of it!)

How It Works

The Foundational Four Framework is an unconventional and modernized approach to the mainstream business pillars of Avatar, Vision, Why, and Values. Working through The Foundational Four (also known as doing “The Work”) is how you will get into Alignment.

We work in a 90-minute session. After the session, you’ll have time to think about your answers, refine your ideas, and solidify each of your own pillars in your workbook. You will also receive a digital copy of Amber’s book Infinite Impact.

These pillars are taught differently than the common pillars you’ve experienced before!

Check Out What Others Are Saying

I was holding back from really leaning in to my new line of my coaching business. I was refusing help and hesitating to move forward. When my Why was clear, all hesitation melted away. Now, I am all engines forward.

I got so much clarity on that exploration – I had to write an entire paragraph in a google doc because of everything that came in!

I really appreciated the work in the vision session of breaking it down to how you want people to feel when they interact with you and your offerings – what benefit they are taking away with them from being in your presence.

What stood out for me most was the micro vision strategy. It will help me cut through the noise and have a clear message for myself and my Avatar.

This was really amazing – I look forward to leaning into the process and see what develops/launches from here. I’ve fostered a dream for several years to help my bookkeeping clients, but in recent months started feeling like my calling was “more”. Today I caught the first glimpses of that.

One of the best things I experienced during the session was to be able to see what the resistance was about. I consider myself to be very transparent and authentic in my interactions, however, I saw very clearly that I was afraid of letting people see ‘under the hood’ and to publicly talk about my inner struggles. That was the big aha! moment during the life session. I did the guided ‘exploration’ with the replay and then spent a good chunk of time answering the questions from the workbook and I was not only surprised that everything was pouring out of me, but that it was coming out in statements that felt very specific (I could see the marketing material coming out of it), and yet it felt comfortable. Thank you!!!!

I am experiencing my VISION and WHY already in REAL TIME and my new life/business isn’t even here yet. THIS IS WILD!!!

Hi, the session this morning was very powerful. I felt it on my sacral! It really helped me understand that the resistant I have been experiencing around developing my avatar is resistance to be fully seen, to be vulnerable, to let people see what’s happening “under the hood” in addition to the fun and fluffy parts of me that are also true. I had buried my pain so deep! Today I had a deep realization that in order to help others I need to lift that veil. I’m seeing it now with such clarity! Scary AND (somehow) very energizing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I have gained clarity around who I serve and why I want to do it – it’s kind of miraculous! Alignment work is just amazing to me.

This is it! I left today’s call invigorated. Let’s make some waves

If you would like to learn more about working with me, please use my calendar link to book a 15 minute call. 

Let’s Work Together...

I always love to hear from you directly! You can contact me through the Contact page at any time. If you are interested in working with me, I provide free 15 minute consultations to see if we are a fit for working together.
I hope you find all of these tools helpful. I look forward to hearing from you through comments, email or phone consultations.

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