
Imagine …Walking a Path Similar to that of the Spiritual Masters …

… Feeling what they must have felt …and confronting the same demons that haunted them. After all, even after they became awake and aware of their mission in life – they were still mere mortals. Read More

Will the Screamers destroy Destiny’s peace and purpose?
Destiny had accepted the quest from the Creator allowing her DNA to be altered as Book One—Dancing Souls … Heaven and Earth —The Call ended. She had agreed to forfeit her life … and to be reborn as something she knew was horrible. A something that was now destroying the worlds she loved. Read More

Destiny Awakens …
Why are things still spiraling out of control?

In Book 3 of the Dancing Soul series, Destiny is totally lost. She is confused and is riddled with helplessness and hopelessness. She continually asks herself, Is there no light to the evil and darkness that has surrounded her? Read More

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can provide you with a number of benefits and can really transform your life for the better. Most people do not appreciate the power that gratitude has and you will be far ahead of the curve reading this guide and applying the techniques in it to develop your attitude of gratitude. Read More

Do you want to be able t to do everything you’ve always wanted to do? It’s about time for you to harness the power of your subconscious mind! Read More

How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty To You Can Take Control of Your Life Instead of Life Controlling You. With These Simple Tips, You’ll Set Healthy Boundaries And Take Back Your Life In No Time! Read More

Healthy boundaries

Create The Life of Your Dreams and Master Your Subconscious With These Proven Techniques for Personal Mastery. Read More

Finally! A Sure-Fire Way to Overcome Your Self Doubt and Limitation So You Can Truly Achieve Anything That You Truly Desire!- It’s So Easy A Kid Can Do it Too! Read More

You have a Powerful Mind. One might think of your brain as being fairly consistent. You generally have a consistent level of intelligence; your mood is usually pretty steady and on the whole you don’t tend to change all that much. Or so it seems. In reality though, your brain is constantly changing. Not only is it growing and adapting, but it will also change in terms of what it’s capable of and how you feel. The chemical balance is likely to change a huge amount. Read More

The Life Changing Magic of Decluttering teaches you can Do Something about Clutter. A lot of people are actually quite discouraged the moment they realize that a lot of their frustrations can be traced to the fact that they have too much clutter. Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, psychological, clutter tends to get the better of us. At some point in time, you just run into that wall. In fact, a lot of people are aware that they just have too many things going on. Read More

The Morning Ritual – you will discover how to build a morning routine for increased productivity, energy, and happiness. The vast majority of people are not early birds. Studies show that early birds are more productive. In one sleep study, early risers are more productive, have higher salaries, and a better quality of life. Read More

The Power of Visualization acknowledges the mind is a powerful “place”. What you feed it will affect you in a powerful way. Forget about the impressive wordplay; it’s the reality. Countless numbers of books have been written about how your state of mind affects your life. The Power of Visualization is an effective “weapon” of the mind capable of creating the glorious future you desire. Read More

Are You Ready To Learn How To Attract Wealth, Health And Happiness? If so, The Real Law of Attraction Code is for you. Read More

If you want to increase your understanding and awareness of self-love, respect, confidence, and appreciation, The Self-Love Handbook is for you. Read More

It is certainly possible for you to develop a winning mindset so that you can achieve everything in life that you want. You need to accept that it is going to take time and effort to develop your winning mindset. Know what you really want, set goals and make plans, change your subconscious mind to empower you to achieve your goals. Read More

Imagine letting go of past mistakes and experiences that haunt you every day. Imagine being free of the guilt, blame, shame, and regret that prevent you from reinventing yourself and having a bright future. Wouldn’t that be wonderful and life-changing? It would give you the opportunity to:

• Start loving yourself again
• Improve your self-esteem
• Stop obsessing over ‘What if’ and ‘what could have been’
• Start working towards a fresh start and a successful future Read More

Finally! A Comprehensive Guide for Attracting Health, Wealth, and Happiness Into Your Life

Discover the powerful affirmations that you can use to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Best-selling author and radio host, Earl Nightingale stated in his book The Strangest Secret that you are what you think. Read More



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